Why is it so easy to take this life for granted? Why does it take a tragedy, accident, or illness for us to appreciate the many blessings surrounding us. Why is it so hard, as sinners, to get caught up in our selfish living that we can't dedicate our first thoughts, breath, or prayer to him? Why do we "push" him aside when things are going well... giving ourselves all the credit for these blessings? Are we too vain to think we "deserve" this life we are given? When in reality WHAT do we really deserve? Is entitlement the bigger issue? I'm humbled with a change of perspective. Ashamed -really.
Ashamed that I get overwhelmed with my children at times... that my patience have been depleted and I snap at a family member or spouse... that my fatigue effects the joy that night time rituals bring... that in the hustle and bustle of raising young children I don't take in the beauty that surrounds me.... that instead of raising my voice I should turn to prayer before handing out a punishment... that these days are fleeting and I'm barely hanging on without the adequate amount time given to our Lord...
More so ashamed- that in the wake of a tragic loss of life that I'm reminded how incredibly blessed we are. Why does it take something so monumental to "shake us up"? The 30 little piggies that live in my house bring unexplainable joy to my days... am I taking them, this life, our life for granted? Am I emphasizing the "right" things throughout our day, is our focus on our amazing God and His hand in our lives, and am I able to lay my head on the pillow at night without regret. Building character in these little men is a dangerous and difficult job... am I doing my best? Will they appreciate this life that we are given? In learning to be more grateful for the "small" stuff, I hope it propels me on a journey that the boys will learn from. That we will all be able to see God's work in goodness and in darkness.
Scripture says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) How liberating is that? God will never allow anything to happen that isn't according to his will and directed to our good. TRUST. This may be the most difficult part of being a Christian for me. TRUST. Accepting our role in his plan and understanding we are not the "main character" is challenging.
Today I am thankful for the change of perspective this day brings and for the fullness it will give me all the days of my life. Saddened for the loss of one of Perry's school mates.. as their life will never be the same. Please pray for their strength, comfort, and days ahead as they will be unbearable. We will lay this precious child in the ground tomorrow and I can not articulate the grief I feel. As we celebrate this little "curly headed" angel -I'm reminded that we are all here for a purpose. I encourage you to find and embrace your purpose today. Share the works of our Lord in your life and don't be ashamed. For I am ashamed not to.
Lord, you have given us 1 chance at an amazing life. A life that we are able to shape, mold, and create to Glorify YOU. Help us remember that you are the reason we wake each day. Lead us down a path that only perpetuates good. Allow us to be examples to others who haven't received your eternal promise. Use us, Lord, as vessels to share you word and love others as you love us. Provide us with the gumption necessary to stand up for you and not be shaken. We celebrate you Lord. We celebrate you today and every day after that. Only you know our true heart... thankfully so. Sometime words just aren't enough.
Today words aren't enough.