We started this morning with a little exercise... Mr. Jumping Bean
"It's too early for all these pictures!" -York
"Never too early for a sweet pic" -Mommy
"Let's go outside!" -York
"It's too early!" -Mommy
"It's too early!" -Mommy
"...Breakfast of Champions!" -Mommy
"anything to keep him happy"- Mommy
"An E.R. visit waiting to happen" - Mommy
"I love that HE loves puffs!" -Mommy
"He is on the loose!" -Mommy
"Your so vain!" -Carly Simon
"I am just getting started..!" -Mommy
Adventure Begins!
"Is it okay if I stand here?" -York
"Can picture flashes blind a kid?" -Mommy
"Isn't that the cutest!" -Mommy
(quote from daddy's favorite movie -Blues Brothers)
shout out to daddy!
"Oh YES!" -Mommy
"Headed to No BABY zone (guest bedroom)!" -York
"Eureka! I found it!" -York
"Score!" -York
"This tiny mirror was worth the long journey!" -York
This is the treasure (tiny mirror) that he always escapes for!
So this is our morning in a nutshell! Of course I captured it all on film! Yes I am obsessed! Is there rehab for obsessive paparazzi mommies? Admit me... Nonetheless, each morning with this angel is an exciting adventure. He has such a great personality and is full of surprises. Until now I have wondered if he inherited any of my traits... Wonder NO more! York Harless has displayed the beginnings of the "Evan Tantrum"! Full on back arching, stiff as a board, mouth open to full capacity yelling -temper tantrums! I am sure my mother is laughing while reading this! She said I was a holy terror! (anyone reading this know that is just hard to believe! j/k) So while I have experienced 9 months of pure baby bliss.. Mom has secretly wished that York would give me a little tantrum here and there! Well the time is NOW! I hope to catch on of these award winning tantrums on tape... it is worth seeing! I didn't think that it would be possible to rival my drama but York is giving me a run for the money. Good thing he does respond to the word "No" and the drama only last for 5 or 10 seconds! York has a friend that is 12 days older than him and is displaying the same type of behavior at times...Must be the age! We are trying to introduce the idea of sharing to the boys and this has introduced the idea of tantrums to the mommies! York really doesn't have a good role model for sharing because his daddy is an only child and still doesn't really understand the concept! Good News...We are working on this as a family! Below is a picture that takes up residence on our entry table! LOVE IT! (this is a picture of a picture -not great quality)
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