Monday, August 2, 2010

77 Amazing Years...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Mimi York...Happy Birthday to you!

York played the piano for Mimi's birthday...

Mimi was surprised with the Chocolate Fudge Brownie Thunder from Dairy Queen!

York helped blow out the candles...

More cake please!

We celebrated Mimi York's 77th birthday last night. She and Ya-Ya had just gotten back from a fun filled weekend in Nash-vagas! (Nashville) We welcomed them home with an impromptu birthday bash. Happy Birthday to the Mimster... she is the glue that holds this family together. She provides us with warm smiles, tender hugs, wonderful advice, a listening ear, and most importantly an amazing Christian example.

Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing soldiers for Christ that I know!

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