Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Harless Family presents THE...

Halloween STYLE
the Lion Tamer, Clown, Lion, Gypsy, and WORLD'S strongest man

The performers getting ready to hit the streets for some CANDY

Circus business is hard work... 3 tired boys!
This year Wes and I hosted our 2nd annual Halloween party.  We incorporate a theme into our party ...  Last year we were a family of pirates and Perry was our parrot!  This year we went with the Circus theme and we embraced every aspect.  We turned our garage into a big top, popped popcorn, face painted, enjoyed duck pond games, ring toss games, side walk chalk, bubbles,  potato sack racing, pumpkin decorating/chunkin', and the crowd favorite -ELEPHANT JUMPY.  I enjoy throwing parties and this year was no exception.  I wanted every detail CIRU-LICIOUS!  I think I was able to do just that and everyone had a ball!  Our guests list included:  buzz light year, woody, a cow, dinosaur, lion, owl, Elmo, Cat and the Hat, Rapunzel, an angel, a cat, a ninja turtle, a sock monkey, bumble bee, a spider, and safari family.  (I think that was everyone)  Of course there were many duds this year that chose not to join in the costume fun... next door neighbor.  I will not call any names... but YOU know who you are!  I will give them 1 more chance with an invite next year to redeem themselves.  Overall it was a wonderful day with incredible weather.  We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to over EAT, chunk pumpkins, visit with friends, and soak up these precious memories!  I want my boys to look back at pictures and remember what an awesome time we had each year.  I want them to see the lengths their parents went to look like total "idiots" to make them smile.  These are the times of our lives... I just wish they would slow down! 
 ( ( more pix of the party on Facebook ) )

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